Example Course Plans
Four-Year Plan meeting the minimum requirements for the major
1st Year
PHYS 121, 122
MATH 101, 102
2nd Year
PHYS 201, 214
MATH 201, 203
3rd Year
PHYS 205 (half-credit), 207 (half-credit), 206 (half-credit), 331 or 305, and one other 300-level physics course
4th Year
Two 300-level physics courses, plus 398
The physics program at 91´«Ã½ allows for a student to major in physics even if the introductory courses are not completed until the end of the sophomore year.
Three-Year Plan meeting the minimum requirements for the major
1st Year
MATH 101, 102
2nd Year
PHYS 121, 122
MATH 201, 203
3rd Year
PHYS 201, 214, 205 (half-credit), 207 (half-credit), 206 (half-credit), 331 or 305
4th Year
Three 300-level physics courses, plus 398
Three-Year Plan meeting the minimum requirements for the major and participating in a 3+2 program
1st Year
PHYS 121, 122
MATH 101, 102
2nd Year
PHYS 201, 214, 205 (half-credit), 207 (half-credit), 206 (half-credit)
MATH 201, 203
3rd Year
PHYS 331 or 305, 398, and three other 300-level physics courses (it might be possible to substitute one course from the 3+2 program for one of these courses)
Note: PHYS 205/207 could be taken in the third year, but that would limit which 300-level theory courses could be taken in the fall of the third year.

Contact Us
Department of Physics
Park Science Building
101 N. Merion Avenue
91´«Ã½, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5358